首先, 先来看看我刚刚翻译完成的GitHooks.txt(官方文档的翻译)

接着,当然是俺的总结发言了(已经附在翻译稿后面): 1. hook列表:

|钩子名字          |触发命令    |参数|非0导致取消|备注|
|applypatch-msg    |git am      |1   |Yes||
|pre-applypatch    |git am      |0   |Yes||
|post-applypatch   |git am      |0   |No ||

|pre-commit        |git commit  |0   |Yes||
|prepare-commit-msg|git commit  |1~3 |Yes||
|commit-msg        |git commit  |1   |Yes||
|post-commit       |git commit  |0   |No ||

|pre-rebase        |git rebase  |2   |Yes||

|post-checkout     |git checkout|3   |No ||

|post-merge        |git merge   |1   |No ||

|pre-receive       |git-receive-pack |0   |Yes|通过标准输入获取信息|
|update            |git-receive-pack |3   |Yes||
|post-receive      |git-receive-pack |0   |No |通过标准输入获取信息|
|post-update       |git-receive-pack |可变|No ||
注: 最后4个才是远程资源库执行的hook,其他都是本地资源库的hook

2. hook的示例 虽然示例中,hook都是perl脚本,但绝对不表示只能用perl.只要是可执行的东西,都可以作为钩子

3. 源码级别的hook信息 我非常神奇地发现, hook的名字,并没有独立写在某个h文件中,而是分布于几个具体的c文件中 主执行入口: run_hook(const char *index_file, const char *name, …) 定义于run-command.h,实现于run-command.c 官方说明:


    Run a hook.(执行一个hook)
    The first argument is a pathname to an index file, or NULL(第一个参数是index file,可能为NULL)
    if the hook uses the default index file or no index is needed.
    The second argument is the name of the hook.(第二个参数是hook的名字)
    The further arguments correspond to the hook arguments.(剩下的,就是hook自己需要的参数了)
    The last argument has to be NULL to terminate the arguments list.(最后一个参数必须是NULL,C的常识性用法)
    If the hook does not exist or is not executable, the return
    value will be zero.(当hook不存在或不可执行,则返回0 )
    If it is executable, the hook will be executed and the exit
    status of the hook is returned. (方法的返回值,就是hook的退出状态)
    On execution, .stdout_to_stderr and .no_stdin will be set.
    (See below.)

最后说一句: 所谓远程,其实就是你push的目标, 也就是说,仅当push操作时,远程资源库才会有hook触发!!

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2012-05-06 13:35:16



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